Support Maui
Kurt Suzuki has been receiving updates from close friends that are providing daily assistance where needed. Kurt has heard many horrific stories of people who have lost their home, business/restaurants, pets, or worst or all, family members. Lahaina is one of the most beautiful places in the world. The community needs our help. Thousands of families are homeless, and while pop-up tents provided shelter, they are not a long-term solution. Families are currently looking for rentals to transition to for the time being. Also, most of our hero’s, the first responders in Lahaina, lost their homes. Many are still sleeping in their cars. Children need desks and basic school supplies to complete work. Sports equipment for the Lahaina children is also in need, and now that Christmas will be here soon, The Kurt Suzuki Family Foundation wants to make sure Santa is able to visit every homeless child. The need for assistant is massive. Please don’t forget about Lahaina and give what you can. If not financially, with prayer. 100% of proceeds raised will go directly to the families that need help to rebuild their lives.
The Kurt Suzuki Family Foundation
Pono Boys Baseball
Our PONO team has been invited to partake in a once in a lifetime opportunity. PONO baseball will be competing in the Osaka Baseball Tournament in Japan, spring 2024. While teaching baseball is important, creating memories and exposing young athletes to diverse cultures through the universal game of baseball is the greatest gift sports can provide.
This trip will be very costly. Our families are working hard to help offset the fees for this tournament and any support would be appreciated, financially or prayers for a safe trip. Along with this trip, the costs for practice facilities, uniforms, equipment, and tournament fees add up. 100% of proceeds raised will be going directly to the PONO baseball team.